Who I am
My wife and I moved to Amherst more than 20 years ago because we believed the culture and community were an ideal place to raise our children. My two children graduated from ARMS and ARHS and have benefitted from the strong education they received in Amherst Public Schools. We found a home in Amherst that profoundly changed all of our lives for the better. I am committed to making sure Amherst supports the development and success of all residents, including our LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC individuals. Although the Town faces significant challenges, as do all our residents, I remain optimistic about the future of Amherst and those who live and work here. We can overcome any challenges with the right leadership.
As a resident member of the Town’s Finance Committee for more than four years, I helped guide the Town through the Pandemic. The Town’s finances are sound and we are well served by the Council, Town Manager, and Senior Staff. I eagerly supported funding for CRESS, our DEI Department, and Reparations for our African American residents, and I believe strongly that Amherst is setting an example for the nation. Nonetheless, we are all facing significant challenges, including increases in taxes, water/sewer rates, and housing costs, and there is much to do before Amherst is truly what we hope it will be.
I bring a unique set of perspectives – academic, business consulting, and managing large-scale projects. I earned a Ph.D. in biology at Cornell and have conducted research in Africa, Europe, and North America. As a consultant to federal and state governments, I have managed projects pertaining to a number of important issues, including keeping people and the environment safe from toxic chemicals, cleaning up the nation’s former nuclear weapons complex, bringing broadband to underserved rural areas, and helping homeowners, renters, businesses, and communities recover from devastating hurricanes. I have managed budgets and staff significantly larger than Amherst’s. These perspectives have informed my work on the Finance Committee and will inform my work as a member of the Town Council.
B.A., Zoology, University of Rhode Island (1974)
Ph.D., Biology, Cornell University (1981)
Postdoctoral Fellowships at the University of Oxford, England; Rockefeller University, New York; University of Washington, Seattle (1981-1987)
Private Sector Work Experience:
3 years as a Senior Scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (Battelle)
29 years with ICF International, rising to the rank of Senior Vice President and helping the company grow to annual revenues of $1.3 billion
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