Fiscal Health

We must find a way to grow the tax base while preserving the unique look and spirit of Amherst. Efforts to increase revenues must not burden local residents, and we must keep Amherst affordable so we maintain the diverse population we will need to address future concerns. I support new buildings that are inviting to pedestrians through features such as setbacks and appropriate scaling. I plan to continue to serve on the Finance Committee.  I plan to engage with the Planning & Zoning Department and the BID to better understand their vision for Amherst and support projects that encourage growth and financial stability. I plan to engage with the Town Manager and other Town staff to better understand the factors that are contributing to the rapid rise of housing costs and work to develop policies to address these factors.


Our aging infrastructure is a significant concern. We must continue to support the Fire Station, DPW facility, Library, and Elementary School projects. We are all familiar with the poor state of our roads and sidewalks, but I am also concerned with other critical infrastructure, including water and sewer lines. As a member of the Finance Committee, I have advocated for a comprehensive inventory of all capital assets along with schedules for maintenance and replacement, so the Town has a full understanding of future infrastructure needs. We have a better inventory than we did four years ago, but there is work to do. I plan to work with other Counselors to direct the Town Manager to develop a multi-year plan for addressing infrastructure needs, along with a financial plan to pay for these investments.

Meeting the Needs of a Diverse Population

We have made investments to establish CRESS, add needed firefighters, replace aging fire equipment, and build a new Elementary school. While we have made progress to serve all members of our community, there is much more to do. We need to fully integrate police, fire, EMS, and community responders. We also need to ensure that all residents feel they are part of the solution. I plan to work with the Town Manager, other Town officials, and residents to ensure all constituents have a voice in identifying issues and solutions.


Communication is critical for the long-term success of Amherst. I have learned that many residents are not informed about the issues facing the Town until after some action is taken. Challenges are best addressed when a diverse set of people bring their knowledge and values to bear. If elected, I will ensure that communication between residents and the Town Council is regular and accessible so that everyone has a chance to weigh in on potential actions to be taken.